Released: 2024-09-10
- Added: Frontend function call to display a dialog with multiple actions.
- Added: Configuration file option 'web'->'tlsMinVersion', which if set disables support for previous TLS versions.
- Consolidated backend & frontend function input hints. Now all function placeholders will display the expected input arguments and types.
- Separated license activation menu from REI3 Professional header in admin panel, making it easier to find the license upload dialog.
- Adjusted code editor fonts to match them more closely to the global font size setting.
- Fixed: Cluster nodes are not shutdown if triggered via admin panel if the nodes are running from command line.
- Fixed: Possible race condition when shutting down cluster nodes via the admin panel.
- Fixed: Unnecessary data requests when clients are informed about changed collections.
Released: 2024-08-19
- Added: Frontend function call to check whether a data field currently has a changed value.
- Enabled context menu actions in richtext editor.
- Made encryption options clearer in admin panel for mail accounts.
- List fields now reload if sub forms more than 1 level deep have changed a record.
- Updated Builder docs to remark how application order is handled in menus.
- Fixed: Default values overwrite field values set by frontend function, when its started right after a new record was loaded.
- Fixed: Second to last column dropdown menu gets cut off in some situations.
- Fixed: Chart fields do not apply overwrites by frontend function.
- Fixed: Chart fields do not correctly resize when used in tab fields.
- Fixed: Gantt fields are cleared when parent form was updated.
- Fixed: 'Select all' action only selects first entry in multi-relationship inputs.
- Fixed: Login ID is not available in backend trigger functions, when started via API call.
Released: 2024-07-29
- Fixed: New records do not load fields from pre-defined relationship inputs.
- Fixed: 'Unsaved changes' message is shown when trying to save a new record with a file input.
- Fixed: Sub form does not always show 'missing inputs' message before saving when not all required fields are filled out.
Released: 2024-07-26
- Application updates from the repository can now be checked from within the application page in the admin panel.
- Fixed: Lists are cleared if record in sub form is updated.
- Fixed: Batched columns taking all available whitespace in lists/relationship input fields.
- Fixed: Middle-click on menu without assigned form causes error message.
- Fixed: Potential service crash when too many websocket clients disconnect simultanously.
Released: 2024-07-23
- Added: Form actions, a standardized way to place action fields in the form header bar, next to the regular form actions like save or delete. These actions can be controlled via form states and provide a way to make important interactions on a form visible.
- Added: The ability for users to rearrange, hide or show list columns. This also affects CSV imports/exports, which will follow the adjusted list. Application authors can now add additional columns, not shown by default, which some users might want to add to their displayed lists.
- Added: A proper code editor for backend/frontend functions, CSS inputs and so on. Following a proposal from a REI3 community member, the Ace code editor has been integrated and is now the standard for all code inputs.
- Added: Option to align column data left, center or to the right.
- Added: Frontend function to receive URL getter parameters from the current browser navigation.
- Added: Frontend function to get download URLs from a file input field on the current form. These URLs use the current user token to authorize file access - because of this, they are time-limited (tokens expire) and user specific, and should therefore not be shared. To safely share URLs publicly, we would need permanent, public links - a feature which is not yet part of the REI3 platform.
- Added: Client events, a feature that uses the REI3 client application to react to global hotkeys and can make keyboard entries based on events inside REI3.
- Added: The option to overwrite the max. session time for individual logins, useful for special logins such as APIs.
- Added: Backend function to retrieve the encrypted data keys for working with E2E encryption.
- Added: Global timers, which can be called in the frontend and continue regardless of the currently open form.
- Redesigned interfaces in the Builder:
- The preset record UI has been redone to be in line with other components and to provide more context and help.
- The relation UI has been improved to allow for more space for attributes and other components in larger relations. The data preview UI for a relation has also been improved.
- Form state effects have been redesigned to be more easily readable. They are now also sorted by name.
- Page size settings for list fields are now persistent.
- Decimal numbers (numeric attributes) can now be set to have a fixed length and number of decimal places. When set, manual rounding becomes unnecessary and lists will auto-fill missing decimal places to be of the desired length.
- List options have been moved to their own menu, making them easier to use.
- Complex user filters in list fields will now show available filter options in context of batched columns, making the filter selection correspond 1:1 to the current list presentation.
- Users can now decide if they want boolean values represented as icons.
- Chart fields can now have translatable field titles.
- A new config option ('Force login before session end') has been introduced in the admin panel. This option helps avoid cases in which an active user session expires while the user is working. If set to a duration longer than the expected max. continuous session time, users will not need to login again to continue working.
- Application schedules are now sorted and include the application icon for better readability in the admin panel.
- The REI3 client application has been updated to be easier to install and update. The corresponding user interface has also been updated to help users manage the application.
- The frontend function 'set_field_value()' can now take another argument to decide whether the new field value counts as 'changed'; this is useful for pre-filled or data based on previous inputs that should not trigger the 'changes exist on the form' state when done.
- The websocket handler now applies more strict target filters to only forward events to clients that need them. Before, events were distributed to all clients connected to a login ID for example, making some clients discregard unnecessary event data.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.22.5 as well as updated package dependencies
- Upgraded to vue 3.4.31
- Upgraded to vue-router 4.4.0
- Fixed: A rare import error if the main query of form was replaced (eg. base relation was changed).
- Fixed: Cluster events are unnecessarily generated for nodes that have been absent a long time.
- Fixed: List fields do not close hover menus on ESC.
- Fixed: Page title is not reset on closing a pop-up form.
- Fixed: Protected presets cannot apply NULL values.
- Fixed: Rare 'DB cache plan error on schema change' error that can occur when doing changes in the Builder and returning to the user interface.
- Fixed: Return to previous form button is missing its shadow.
- Fixed: New applications can be created with protected name 'instance'.
- Fixed: Forwarded messages from Outlook have no file names.
Released: 2024-04-29
- Added: 'Reset send attempt' action in mail spooler admin interface.
- Fixed: Value store keeps data between login sessions.
- Fixed: CSV import dialog can become stuck on error.
- Fixed: Form title overwrite is not reset when leaving form within the same application.
- Fixed: Invalid context help message in admin panel.
- Fixed: Some text only mails are displayed without newlines in richtext editor. Fix will only affect new mails.
Released: 2024-04-08
- Placed a confirmation dialog before email account deletion.
- Upgraded to ImageMagick 7.1.1-30.
- Upgraded to go-ldap 3.4.7.
- Fixed: Possible pagination issue during LDAP import.
Released: 2024-03-18
- Upgraded backend dependencies.
- Fixed: Links to internal URLs cannot be opened in richtext/formatted text fields.
- Fixed: Multiple race conditions which can cause system hangs in edge cases.
Released: 2024-02-29
- Added: 'Simplified Chinese' as community translation.
- The email handler will now consider emails as being sent, even if the connection with the mail server could not be closed properly. This addresses issues where emails were sent multiple times when disconnect with a mail service provider fails. A warning will still be generated in these cases.
- Fixed: Tab fields switching tabs without user inputs on form state change.
- Fixed: Some single line fields grow vertically.
- Fixed: Error when removing date-to option from date field settings in form editor.
- Fixed: Calendar entries not showing any values if gallery display option is used and any gallery value is empty.
- Fixed: Error on attempted password change if system runs in HTTP mode and was not being accessed via localhost. Though fixed, please refrain from running any production or otherwise important REI3 system in HTTP mode.
Released: 2024-02-15
- Many admin forms as well as the feedback dialog now show a warning if unsaved changes are about to be lost.
- Platform translations provided by community members are now marked as such in the user settings.
- The total result count is now again shown for list fields.
- Fixed: Already existing user E2EE keys could be re-imported in some edge cases, causing a duplicate-key error.
- Fixed: Regression of previously fixed issue where parent reference is lost when opening an existing child record.
- Fixed: Record state is not correctly cleaned up when reloading a form.
- Fixed: Newly imported application not immediately visible in the admin panel.
- Fixed: Unnecessary error log entry for admin notification schedule, if no OAuth2 entry exists.
- Fixed: A missing function reference.
Released: 2024-02-06
- Field titles now shrink if a hover window is too small for full display.
- Fixed: New sub query columns cannot be added to list fields.
- Fixed: Deleted entities still being visible in the Builder due to caching issues.
- Fixed: Change logs cannot be opened if file attribute changes are included.
- Fixed: Missing error message if users cannot login due to missing permissions for data structures accessed via collections.
Released: 2024-01-28
- Added the global caption map. A new view inside the Builder that enables authors to quickly view, compare and update all translatable captions for the current application.
- Added custom application translations inside the admin panel. Admins can now create completely new translations or overwrite existing ones. These changes can then be exported and shared either with other users or with the application author, who can then add the translation to their application as standard.
- Added OAuth2 clients. Admins can now register OAuth2 clients with the 'clients credentials flow'. This currently is only used for authentication against service providers such as M365 for emailing, but can be expanded in the future for other services.
- Added a simple admin notification system for important events. This system will be expanded in the future but already includes notifications about expiring license files as well as expiring OAuth2 clients.
- Added option to upload generated PDF documents to existing file attribute inputs instead of offering them for download.
- Added a frontend function to overwrite the ECharts option object for chart fields. This enables application authors to write very complex, data heavy visualizations, based on the integrated ECharts library. Using this new option, authors have full control over data, styling and logic inside the graph. This will overwrite the entire ECharts, so authors will need to retrieve and format their own data.
- Added proxy configuration for the REI3 system. It will be used when checking for updates, refreshing public repositories or downloading application packages.
- Generally improved handling of multi-language applications. The fallback language is now applied globally if specific captions are missing.
- Input fields that do not benefit from having a large vertical size are now size-limited by default. This should reduce the amount of layout work necessary on forms as many fields can just be added without adjustment.
- Relation triggers can now react to events in other applications. This enables business rules to be applied even to applications from other authors.
- List column batches are now sorted by all columns. Before, only the first column in a column batch was considered for sorting.
- Redesigned the application schema cache. Applications are now loaded individually instead of globally, this greatly reduces required bandwidth when loading changes. It also speeds up actions that affect multiple applications, like changing application order or other settings.
- Filter lines inside the Builder now visually show groupings by adding intendations for filter lines.
- Reworked the application management page in the admin panel. Warnings will now not be shown multiple times when changing options for multiple application. A global save action has also been implemented.
- Boolean values in lists are now shown as icons, saving some space and adding some color to list views.
- The frontend function editor got new icons as well as a reference to the assigned form (if set) and a shortcut back to it.
- The richtext editor can now also embed .svg images from file inputs.
- Upgraded to Postgres 16.1 for standalone and portable deployments. The newer database engine will be applied to fresh installations only. Manuel upgrade is possible if desired.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.21.5 as well as updated package dependencies
- Upgraded to vue 3.4.15
- Fixed: Some admin UIs do not apply the chosen user date format.
- Fixed: Files are uploaded to wrong field if multiple file inputs exist on the same form.
- Fixed: Invalid field options being offered for drawing input fields.
- Fixed: Field icon not showing properly for drawing input fields.
- Fixed: Vue.js component error when language file was not loaded in time.
- Fixed: Focus is moved away from record input line when opening a relationship dropdown.
Released: 2024-01-17
- Added the option to overwrite a field order inside their parent element with frontend functions.
- Added 'Latvian' as community translation.
- Reworked the frontend function editor. It now works similar to the backend editor, with lists of placeholders instead of multiple, chained dropdowns. This makes it easier, to see what is available and requires less clicks to insert placeholders or access the context help.
- Fixed: UUID input still writable if field is set to readonly.
- Fixed: Changes to UUID fields not visible in change log.
- Fixed: Kanban fields ignoring CREATE/UPDATE flags on their relations.
- Fixed: Kanban fields are missing a border when using an inline sub form.
- Fixed: The 'unsaved changes' warning appearing twice in some situations.
Released: 2023-12-12
- Added 'French' as community translation.
- Updated list styles to better make use of available white space and be more consistent across different browser engines.
- Attribute placeholders in the backend function editor now display whether or not they must have a value, making it easier to create insert statements.
- On list fields, the quick filter input is now reset when opening a form. This is based on feedback that the quick filter is used to quickly filter down results in the moment and should not stay active permanently. If a user wants a permanent filter, they can apply a column or custom filter, which will stay active.
- Fixed: Login settings hover menu overwrites page title but does not reset it on close.
- Fixed: Forms can be copied even if not all dependencies are available, causing errors to be shown after subsequent saves.
- Fixed: Date/time inputs wrongly styled if readonly.
- Fixed: Calendar in month view can fail to open records if form is to be opened as fullpage form.
- Fixed: Backups can fail if symbolic link is created inside of uploaded files directory on Linux systems.
- Fixed: Backups of uploaded files can have badly formatted directory names inside zip file on Windows systems.
Released: 2023-11-20
- Added home page widgets. Application authors can now offer widgets for users to place on their home pages. Widgets can show small forms, allowing for fast creation of new records or access to a small amount of important data. They can also show collection values to inform users about outstanding workflows or updated records. Each user can individually configure their widgets based on their needs. For users that do not want to bother, system widgets showing currently accessible applications are created by default - similar to how the REI3 home page worked before.
- Added a drawing input. Authors can now provide a simple drawing input to provide things like signature pads or inputs for handwritten notes. The drawing input fields offers basic options like stroke-width, color, zoom level and so on. Drawings are stored as data, which can be edited after the fact. They are also available as PNG image, to be sent via email or placed on PDF documents.
- Application menus can now be assigned a color, which can help users quickly navigating between different application areas.
- Added a range of user settings.
- Color scheme: This release brings major redesigns of many elements (menus, headers, etc.). If users prefer the old style, they can choose the 'classic' color scheme.
- Custom colors: Users can now choose their own colors for the main header menu as well as application menus. The system design will adjust automatically with contrasting font and icon colors.
- List spacing: Users can now choose between more compact and larger list rows.
- List coloring: To help readability, users can now choose to color every other line in list views.
- Decimal and thousands separator: Users can now choose, how decimal numbers are displayed in lists and other views.
- Added a gallery of images to be shown on the login screen. This feature can be configured in the admin panel. The old background can also be re-enabled if desired.
- Added a system customization option, to force users to re-login every time they access a REI3 system.
- Added login image customization option.
- Added user customization options to list fields: Users can now choose to collapse the list header to show more data. They can also toggle between table and cards layout for each list at will.
- Reworked many user interfaces & inputs for more usability and consistency. Re-adjusted colors, spacing, layouts and more to refresh designs that have been developed over many years. Menus, forms and inputs should now look and feel much more consistent.
- Moved many context inputs into their own hover menus in list fields. This makes it easier to enter complex filters or select from large collection value sets.
- Redesigned many fields to improve readability and better fit with the new design of REI3. This includes in some cases major updates to the list, calendar, Gantt and file input fields.
- Redesigned the login screen.
- Datetime inputs can now toggle between different input methods. They have also received a 'go to today/now' shortcut to move the calendar view to display the current datetime.
- Improved usability of relationship input fields. Its now easier to open and use them, especially on mobile devices.
- Some important interfaces now dynamically shrink and replace their content based on available screen space. The main header menu now collapses application titles, collection values, navigation buttons and other elements. Lists can now also show larger buttons and inputs with enough screen space, while dynamically shrinking these elements when necessary.
- Reworked how navigation between different applications works. Users can now switch between apps via a new context menu, if they use a mobile device, the screen space is limited or if they hide application menu entries in their user settings.
- List & tab fields now also have access to field titles, removing the need to additional labels to describe things like sub lists.
- Form functions now provide a context help, explaining when and how form functions are executed, including some examples.
- Reworked the roles UI in the Builder.
- The feedback dialog now offers more information on what and where feedback is being sent. For admin users, information about the feature and how its managed is also provided.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.21.3 as well as updated package dependencies
- Upgraded to vue 3.3.7
- Upgraded to vue-router 4.2.5
- Fixed: Frontend function 'app.form_open()' does not work with NULL input as record ID.
- Fixed: Deleted APIs are not removed in target instance, when application is updated.
- Fixed: Files input does not resize correctly if shown initially in non-visible tab.
- Fixed: Scroll position is not recovered in fullpage lists with the cards layout if navigated back to them.
- Fixed: Placeholder names of equally named frontend functions can overlap, if they are assigned to forms.
- Removed: Some older user options that do not fit with the new design. These are: Field background, colored menu, compact mode and max. page width.
Released: 2023-11-06
- The CSV export/import dialog now has a date/time format selector. This removes the need to change the user settings if the date format does not fit.
- Fixed: When attempting to delete an attribute with a dependency to an existing relation index, the provided reference URL is invalid.
- Fixed: Some days of a calendar are not correctly displayed as 'outside of current month'.
- Fixed: Selecting a date in a calendar with a DST switch in the current view, applies a wrong value.
Released: 2023-10-19
- Added an overview of references when trying to delete an attribute. These references show where an attribute is used and link to affected resources.
- Field settings no longer need to reset when doing changes in the Builder or installing an application update. This means that things like custom filters, or column aggregations do not need to be re-selected every time something changes in the system.
- Fixed: Delete action being available to the system-generated ID attribute.
- Fixed: Calendar field does not load if it uses an icon.
- Fixed: Attribute default value input does not clear on change.
- Fixed: Columns in Kanban field headers ignore hidden state.
- Fixed: Settings for a chart field could not be opened if the Builder is opened from the corresponding form.
Released: 2023-09-19
- Added 'app.record_save_new()' frontend function call to allow for saving a record and then immediately opening a new one.
Released: 2023-09-18
- Added 'Hungarian' as community translation.
- Form functions that navigate to other forms (app.form_open()) or open new records (app.record_new()) are now blocking system default behaviors like reloading a record after a successful save. This allows for immediate form navigation or creation of a new record after actions like 'record was saved' or 'record was deleted'.
- Field/column settings in the form editor now stay open when saving changes, removing the need to re-open these context menus. This does not however work on new fields/columns as they need to be reloaded once after being created.
- Lists now mark the active row, if a record is being opened via an inline form.
- In date inputs (day/week view) with a single datetime value, the hour corresponding to the start time is now marked as active on the calendar.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.21.1
- Fixed: Hour labels squashed in some calendar inputs with day/week view.
- Fixed: Date time inputs in list filters are too small.
- Fixed: 'Form has changes' warning not being shown if floating form does not have changes but parent form does.
- Fixed: 'After-save' form function cannot navigate / open new record, because 'unsaved changes' warning occurs even though save went through.
- Fixed: n:1 self-join shown in query editor as 1:n.
- Fixed: 'New' action does not always work in Kanban field.
- Fixed: Kanban columns being lost after import into another instance.
Released: 2023-09-06
- Added: Kanban fields. Any existing data can now be represented and manipulated on a Kanban board. Kanban cards can be styled by color attributes and relationship values updated via drag&drop. Besides the traditional column layout, Kanban fields in REI3 also support a second dimension, offering columns and rows to update 2 relationship values at the same time.
- Added: Day & week views to the calendar field. Much easier to use and understand, partial day events can now be presented on shorter time intervals. Now supporting views for 1/3/5/7 days, the calendar field also offers drag-to-enter date creation inputs. After enabling the feature for a calendar field and defining a default, users can then freely choose, which view to use.
- Added: Label fields. These replace the existing header fields, which so far could only be used to create simple text headers with a predefined size and icon. The new label fields can now enable richtext values, offering full HTML inputs to add custom content to forms. This can be used to add logos (by pasting images into the richtext editor), formatted help text or any other HTML content. Any value can also be adjusted based on the active translation, so user-dependent context help is also possible.
- Added: Dedicated mail traffic view. In addition to regular logging of the mail service, a dedicated log of all sent/received messages is now being kept and displayed in the admin panel. Only starting collection with REI3.5, this traffic view provides direct insight, what messages went through the system.
- Added: Form option to set focus on a specific field on load. This causes the field to become active, enabling users to quickly enter values and save without having to manually jump to a desired input.
- Added: Frontend function "app.set_field_focus()". Switches focus to another input field.
- Added: Frontend function "app.form_set_title()". Overwrites the current form title until its being closed.
- Added: Frontend function "app.form_close()". Closes the current form, especially useful in floating or sub forms when executing a custom action.
- Added: The option to open forms from data fields (lists, calendars, Gantts, etc.) with a relation index other than 0. This removes the need to redesign data fields, if the wrong base relation was chosen.
- Frontend functions are now always displayed together with their assigned form. This makes it easier to see, where code is used. Additionally, function names can now be used multiple times, if frontend functions are assigned to different forms. This means that multiple forms can each have a "on_load" or "on_save" function, without needing to use prefixes.
- Full page calendar fields can now be navigated using the arrow-keys (left-arrow: previous page, right-arrow: next page).
- Placed icons and context help next to the container layout options in the form editor. It should now be easier to understand, how layout options affect the current container content.
- Forms that have not defined a field to focus on load (see new features above), now automatically make the first available input field active for quick keyboard input.
- Datetime attribute inputs now also use the week view calendar, to enable fast input of partial day events.
- Menu entries for new records are now no longer marked active, after opening an existing record.
- Cleaned up the system logs UI in the admin panel.
- A database cleanup job has been added to improve long-term system performance.
- Placed shortcuts for quick creation of frontend functions in relevant UIs in the Builder.
- Entities of the current application are now on the top of selection lists in many Builder lookups.
- Error messages are now shown if creating entities in the Builder, when the chosen name is already taken.
- Moved the form copy action to the dialog for new forms, making it easier to use and find.
- Many backend instance functions have been set to STABLE if relevant, allowing the database system to reuse results, improving performance significantly when used in complex lookups.
- CSV exports now use the translated column or attribute titles by default, if they are available.
- Gantt events can now also be created by drag-by-mouse input on the header line.
- APIs can now offer relationship attributes as well. This means that current relationship values can be retrieved or updated directly.
- The frontend function "get_record_id()" now also supports bulk editing forms. In this case, only record IDs of the base relation can be retrieved, as IDs of joined bulk records are not retrieved - but this still enables application authors to identify currently edited records.
- Sub forms inside lists can now be closed by clicking on an empty part of the list field.
- Placed autocomplete attributes on relevant login fields to support the use of password safe browser plugins.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.21
- Fixed: iFrame fields do not behave correctly if they were loaded in a non-visible field. Things like HTML anchors would only work, after interacting with the page within the iFrame.
- Fixed: Boolean values in column filters are shown as "true/false" instead of their translated values (as in "yes/no").
- Fixed: Backend function "get_preset_record_id()" returned wrong type.
- Fixed: UI issue with icon input in the Builder on smaller screens.
- Fixed: Changing values in a date range input field does not trigger "form has changes" state, if only the end date is updated.
- Fixed: Unclear, which column is being sorted or filtered, because table header borders where removed in REI3.4.
- Fixed: Lists with the card view looking terrible if empty and an inline form is being used to create a new record.
- Fixed: Gantt events could be selected, without a defined form to open.
- Fixed: The integrated backup feature fails if the database username does not match the database name.
- Fixed: Container layouts not being correctly previewed in regards to the "align-content" option.
- Fixed: Bulk editing option is only available in list field, if deletion is also enabled on the relation join settings.
- Fixed: Bulk editing form only work if the non-bulk form is set as well.
- Fixed: Dark mode making colors to dim.
- Fixed: Global pop-up form (opened via collection) does not react to ESC to close.
- Fixed: When closing pop-up forms via ESC, if a parent pop-up form exists, its also closed involuntarily.
Released: 2023-08-28
- Fixed: Numeric values are not correctly formatted in CSV exports.
Released: 2023-07-24
- Reworked application import logic to reduce the amount of redundant work, by improving application import order and removing unnecessary checks. Importing larger applications should now be significantly faster, especially on slower systems.
- Upgraded Golang dependencies.
- Fixed: Length value being shown for attributes that do not support it.
- Fixed: iFrame fields not showing readonly state correctly.
- Fixed: iFrame fields are not correctly reset on form reload.
- Fixed: REI3 system not being cleanly shutdown on SIGINT, causing issues when exiting the portable version with CTRL+c.
- Fixed: Multiple UI issues in regards to shadows.
Released: 2023-06-27
- Placed a warning in the sidebar if a form uses 1:n joins.
- Implemented hotkeys (save, close) and language switcher in help article UIs in the Builder.
- Enabled inline forms to navigate to other forms, instead of always defaulting to floating forms.
- Upgraded Microsoft VC redist to 14.36.32532.
- Fixed: Open form settings changing by itself when using pop-up forms.
- Fixed: Cannot open properties if a relation was selected before form was saved.
Released: 2023-06-19
- Added: REST calls in backend functions. Data can now be sent or retrieved via REST calls from inside REI3 functions, running triggered by events or via schedule. A REST call spooler handles outstanding requests, while REST responses are processed asynchronously.
- Added: Backend function templates. These are short guides or examples on how to execute some more complex tasks, like executing a multi-step REST call with authentication, data request and response processing. We plan to add more function templates in the future to provide more help for application authors.
- Added: Text indexing. Applications that handle larger texts can now use text indexes to greatly improve lookup performance.
- Added: Full text search. When using text indexes, REI3 now supports a number of text search options. Optionally, a dictionary attribute can be used to assign a specific language to a text on the same relation. When this is done, full text search can use language specific optimizations and lookups, like finding words based on the same word stem or removing stop words. Full text search is a powerful tool that helps with finding things in even very large data sets. In REI3, this feature is tightly integrated and automatically used in quick filters and offers more complex filter syntax when needed.
- Added: More column options. Columns in lists can now receive some font styles (like bold or italic) and also have vertically aligned content (when using column batches). These features help with building nice looking and easier to read lists.
- Added: Bulk update forms. Multiple records can now be edited at the same time when accessed from inside lists. Bulk update forms can be assigned like any other data form but can differ from the default to include only relevant fields. Form states work as usual to manipulate bulk update forms while they are being used.
- Added: Inline forms in lists, calendars and Gantt fields. Forms can now be opened inside specific fields to create or update records without leaving the current view. This feature can also be used to open bulk update forms to edit multiple records while keeping the corresponding list visible.
- Added: Direct app access customizing options. If a wildcard certificate and sub domains can be used, each application can be accessed and installed separately on devices. These apps then appear as if they are completely separate from the rest of the REI3 instance. They then also come with their own start page, icon and title.
- Added: iFrame fields. These fields can be used to show or access external web resources from inside REI3. Just like any other field, iFrame fields can be used directly (to store links to bookmarks), set by default (for things like intranets) or have their values set by collections and frontend functions.
- Added: CSS customizing options for the system. Administrators can now apply their own CSS rules system wide to overwrite styles - from buttons, to colors and layouts.
- Added: Ability to apply the current record to n:m inputs for a new child record (e. g. a new record being created from inside a parent record form).
- Options for progressive web apps (PWAs) are now available for individual applications.
- Column batching is now done via drag&drop. This replaces the cumbersome column batch numbers that had to be correctly inputted. Now its drag, drop and move stuff around, with column batches being automatically created and removed when empty.
- Column sizing has been reworked to allow for larger thumbnails that make picture-heavy lists look more friendly.
- Gantt fields now have their own templates in the form editor, making it easier to select them.
- The customizing user interface inside the admin panel has been redesigned with more options and context help.
- Many-to-many (n:m) relationship fields are now using unique icons compared to other relationship types.
- CTRL+S hotkeys are now available in all relevant admin user interfaces.
- Previous scroll position is now applied when navigating back to a cards layout list.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.20.4
- Upgraded to vue 3.3.4
- Upgraded to vue-router 4.2.2
- Upgraded to vue-echarts to 6.5.5
- Upgraded to echarts to 5.4.2
- Fixed: Title color of progressive web apps (PWAs) does not always follow the app color.
- Fixed: Copy to clipboard option does not work in relationship input fields.
- Fixed: SMTP authentication fails against Office365. A new login authentication option has been added to the mail account user interface.
- Fixed: References to primary key indexes were duplicated when reinstalling an application. This is now fixed and duplicate references are removed on update of REI3 while applications are installed. Affected applications should therefore be updated with a REI3 instance and then re-exported to fix the issue permanently.
- Fixed: Sort by input is broken in lists with the cards layout.
- Fixed: Login fails if system is accessed without HTTPS and not via localhost.
- Fixed: Click on an empty day in a calendar field with some data does not always open a new record with a date selected.
- Fixed: Opening a floating form would overwrite the current form context if its the same form ID and it already was a floating pop-up.
Released: 2023-06-06
- Fixed: Not possible to authenticate with Microsoft Office 365 SMTP. This is a hotfix to address the issue for now. A proper authentication option will be added in the next minor version.
Released: 2023-05-20
- Save+new option added for attributes.
- Implemented total mail count & text search in admin UI for the email spooler.
- Email receiver will now ignore invalid messages even if they cannot be added to the spooler.
- Fixed: REI3 client config file cannot be generated on some browsers if default ports (80/443) are used.
- Fixed: Cannot update name of files attribute.
Released: 2023-05-16
- Added context help to 'actions on delete/update' for relationship attributes in the Builder.
- Fixed: Wrong caption for authorization header in API call previews.
- Fixed: Wrong date display in list views when in a timezone with negative offset to UTC.
Released: 2023-05-11
- Added SSL option for database connection. Server name and certificate will be checked unless the "skip verify" option is also enabled.
- Fixed: Multiple issues in date inputs and calendars for timezones with negative offset to UTC.
Released: 2023-04-29
- Removed unnecessary relationship option in attribute dialog.
- Fixed: Pressing enter on virtual keyboard in mobile Chrome browser jumps to next input instead of updating list via quick filter.
- Fixed: User cannot login if language code was selected for which there is no system translation.
- Fixed: List of language codes is incomplete after changing settings in admin panel.
- Fixed: Typo in admin panel for password settings.
- Fixed: Mistranslation in Builder for relationship settings.
Released: 2023-04-03
- Added: An API designer for application authors to create and offer predefined REST calls.
- APIs can be used to retrieve data via GET calls, with support for joined relations, sub queries, complex filters and so on.
- Updating or deleting data is also possible via POST/DELETE calls, enabling access to one or multiple, joined records.
- Depending on the assigned permissions and relation join settings, POST calls can create and/or update data within the same call.
- APIs have integrated versioning and can be duplicated to quickly execute changes.
- Added: A completely reworked attribute management. Previously REI3 strictly separated attribute content and how values are presented in fields/views via display options. This kept data definitions clean but required constant setting of display options. With 3.3 attribute content is still cleanly defined but application authors now choose a specific use for attributes - this automatically applies presentation options in all frontend elements and reduces required effort as well as possible errors. The attribute management UI was also reworked to be easier to understand and use.
- Added: A tab counter option. If enabled, tab fields will show aggregated counter values of list/calendar/Gantt fields inside the specific tab.
- Added: A 'first steps' introduction page inside the Builder to help new application authors avoid common mistakes.
- Added: New date/time filter options to make certain filter criteria easier to apply. For example, these options make it easy to look for records changed in the last 3 days.
- Added: Form state condition 'field value is valid'. This enables form states depending on whether field values are valid or invalid.
- Added: An execute action for backend functions. While not possible on trigger functions, this action enables immediate execution of any other backend function - especially useful for testing.
- Added: Login templates. These serve to predefine user settings (language, display and theming) and can be applied when creating a new login or for specific LDAP connections.
- Added: Option to set a custom field error message in frontend functions. Application authors can use complex logic to validate field inputs and apply specific error messages.
- Added: List of input fields in form editor. This enables fast access to all input fields and their settings inside the form sidebar, without having to identify these fields inside the layout preview. Useful for large/complex forms with a lot fields.
- Added: Universally unique identifier attribute (UUID) with custom input and option for auto-generation of new UUIDs. UUIDs serve to guarantee uniqueness between disconnected systems, usually for data reference or exchange purposes.
- Added: Option to filter by tab in form states.
- Added: Calls to retrieve record IDs for presets in front- and backend functions.
- Added: Options for often used attribute defaults, such as: current time/date and new UUID.
- Added new user options:
- Option to not jump to last active tab on revisiting a previous form.
- Option for removing field backgrounds, to reduce clutter and make the interface look less busy.
- Redesigned the login management UI to make it more usable. Also added an option to duplicate logins.
- Many Builder UIs working with attributes, do now show icons representing the attribute content and use.
- Enabled more filter options to work in backend contexts (like for collections and API calls). These are: 'Login has role(s)' and 'Preset record ID'.
- Reworked relation join UI for queries. Instead of placeholder option names, icons now clearly show chosen options and relationship types between joined relations.
- Enabled keyboard shortcuts in more frontend dialogs.
- File attribute input fields now show icons indicating the file type in gallery mode, if no thumbnail is available.
- Some Builder UIs now show warnings if required options are not set - like when adding list fields or sub queries and not selecting relations and/or columns.
- Redesigned the backend function UI. Often used placeholders for relations and their attributes are now much more accessible.
- Made collection filter inputs persistent during navigation.
- Reworked how color attribute values are displayed in list views. If a color attribute is part of a column batch, its color value will be used to colorize the entire cell with other attribute values in the same batch being color-adjusted to contrast to the cell background.
- Implemented a system to avoid unnecessarily retrieving data for some fields if they are non-visible - with automatic retrieval when that state changes.
- Filters and form state conditions can now access presets from built-on applications (#34).
- Migrated system captions to cachable web files. Instead of being transmitted on each login, system captions are now loaded as a file and cached until changed - this speeds up logins as less data must be retrieved.
- Switched log event for non-available thumbnail processing from warning to info.
- Upgraded database library to PGXv5.3. This major release addresses many issues for which we used workarounds. With this upgrade, workarounds were removed.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.20.1
- Upgraded to vue 3.2.47
- Upgraded to vuex 4.1.0
- Upgraded to vue-router 4.1.6
- Fixed: Invalid references to relationship input fields in frontend functions (#32,#33).
- Fixed: Cannot remove relation retention settings.
- Fixed: Unnecessary full schema reload after relation property change.
- Fixed: CSV file being wrongly cached in Firefox with repeated export.
- Fixed: Builder throws error if navigating back to a deleted entity.
- Fixed: Error message when switching from an E2EE enabled login to one without keys.
- Fixed: File upload progress indicator not always being visible.
Released: 2023-01-28
- Form editor now offers a simple layout creation option.
- Tab order can now be changed via drag&drop in the form editor.
- Reworked hour-based Gantt views to remove the need for horizontal scrolling.
- New richtext options for font family and size.
- Updated to TinyMCE 6.3.1.
- Fixed: Richtext editor does not show image list if new files were added.
- Fixed: Richtext editor shows non-image files for image input.
- Fixed: Tab background color mismatches content if it contains a single, readonly input field.
- Fixed: Date range selection not working properly in calendar/Gantt fields with pop-up forms.
- Fixed: Older backups not being cleaned up in some cases.
- Fixed: Office/Open Office documents being downloaded as zip files.
- Fixed: Column titles not readable because they are cut off in sidebar of form editor.
Released: 2023-01-14
- Fixed: Possible server crash when creating change logs for multiple attributes if a file attribute is included.
- Fixed: File input does not reflect changes of attribute value after sub join update.
- Fixed: Form header is missing a border.
Released: 2023-01-09
- Use more sensible default permissions for newly created directories.
- Fixed: Column filter values are not shown if only 2 values are available and one is already selected.
Released: 2023-01-08
- Fixed: Tabs hidden by form states are still visible in mobile view.
- Fixed: Directories created for integrated backups on Linux systems are not browsable by default.
Released: 2023-01-03
- Fixed #30: Wrong base relation was used for available columns in 1:N relationship field in form builder.
Released: 2022-12-30
- Added: Tab-fields. Application authors can now create fields with multiple tabs that users can toggle between.
- Tabs can also include container fields and other tab fields, enabling complex field layouts where needed.
- Tabs can be managed by form states to display or hide them.
- A tab is marked if it contains a required input field, which is not filled out.
- If a tab contains only a single input field, the field can use the entire space without padding.
- Added: Multi-factor-authentication (MFA). Users can now increase their account security by also using time-based one-time-passwords (TOTP) as a second factor.
- Multiple devices can be added and used to authenticate with.
- Admins can reset MFA tokens for a login if required.
- Users can use any TOTP capable application by scanning a barcode or entering security details.
- Added: Help articles - a replacement for the simple application/form help pages we had before. Application authors can now create shorter help articles that can be referenced in different places. This enables re-use of articles inside the main application help, but also in form contexts and in other applications.
- Help articles automatically create a table of contents (if multiple are assigned), can be expanded for better readability and be exported as PDF file.
- Pre-existing application/form help pages are migrated to corresponding help articles during upgrade to REI3.2.
- Added: Dedicated backup page inside the admin interface.
- Previous backup sets can now be viewed inside the UI to see whether backups work as expected.
- Integrated backups now also work in non-stand-alone versions of REI3. As long as the Postgres client utilities are installed (at least pg_dump), REI3 can create full backups on the executing server.
- Added: Inputs for repository credentials for working with self-hosted repositories.
- Heavily redesigned the Builder.
- Added dedicated configuration pages for most entities, which offer more context help and scale better with a growing number of options.
- Reworked the form builder UI - the form layout now stays consistent while editing field options. More layout options are now also represented in the form builder.
- Moved form states and frontend functions to the form builder sidebar for a more consistent user interface.
- Moved collection options for menu entries into a pop-up-form for better usability.
- Enabled sorting and filtering by icons with icon names.
- If the mobile view is active, collection counter values in the application header are now combined into a single notification bell.
- List filters are now stored inside the user session, restoring previous filters when returning from another form.
- Collection values are now automatically updated for logins if a new record has been assigned to it via login form. This removes the need to re-login or refresh the page.
- The portable version of REI3 can now be started directly by starting the executable. The previously necessary start script still works but is not required anymore if the option "portable" is set to "true" inside the config file.
- Cleaned up some admin user interfaces.
- Increased the allowed length for database identifiers to 60 characters for many entities (applications, relations, attributes, backend functions).
- Simplified the relation trigger setup, combining dependent options (constraint, deferrable, initially deferred) into a single option 'deferred', which has the same effect.
- Made file inputs generally take less space and improved presentation of image galleries with different aspect ratios.
- Collection value inputs in the Builder now show column titles as well.
- Redesigned the feedback user interface to be more usable.
- Increased the allowed length for preset names to 64 characters.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.19.4
- Upgraded to vue 3.2.45
- Fixed: Form does not show error message if a field was removed, which was still referenced in a form state.
- Fixed: Application import fails if trigger was removed but was still executed during import because of updated presets.
- Fixed: Unreferenced files not always being cleaned up.
- Fixed: Filter condition based on relationship input field not always updating.
- Fixed: Sub join update is executed even if record of base relation did not change.
- Fixed: CSV export ignores column filters.
- Fixed: List aggregation being invalid after schema has changed.
- Fixed: Invalid frontend function being assigned in copied form.
- Fixed: Form states have invalid field references in copied form.
- Fixed: Server can hang when an application triggers more than 10 simultanous collection updates during import.
Released: 2022-11-08
- Updated the core company bundle.
- Improved CSV date handling - now CSV exports will use proper date formats regardless of chosen attribute type.
- Fixed: Optional presets are not ignored during import if an error occurs.
Released: 2022-10-21
- ICS events now include a URL to the date record and form that the originating calendar would have opened. Only applicable if the calendar field has a form assigned.
- Fixed: Some ICS clients not being able to import full day events.
Released: 2022-10-11
- Fixed: File cleanup job can in some cases identify wrong files to remove.
Released: 2022-10-07
- Added: New file management interfaces and functions.
- The existing file input was greatly improved, offering more display options, better usability (sort options, drag&drop, etc.) and thumbnails for images, text and PDFs.
- File copy actions are now available for the frontend.
- Automatic rename in case of duplicate file names.
- Changes to file inputs are now updated delta-only, allowing for much larger file sets to be attached to records.
- Backend functions can now create hard links to files between different attributes and records. This enables the same files to be accessed and changed from multiple places.
- New admin interfaces to manage deleted files and file management options.
- Added: The REI3 client application, used to directly open and work on files locally from connected REI3 instances.
- File changes are synced back to the server automatically, with new file versions being referenced in the regular record change logs.
- It can be downloaded directly from the REI3 user settings interface.
- It runs on Windows, Linux and Mac computers.
- It supports connection to multiple REI3 instances at the same time.
- Added: Column filters in list fields, showing all available column values for quick filtering.
- Added: Column value aggregation functions in list fields, allowing for sums, averages, counts and so on, to be calculated for all supported data types via user input.
- Added: Official support for ARM64 processors.
- Added: Copy to clipboard actions for Builder IDs.
- Added: CTRL+S shortcut for saving in Builder UIs with single entities (form, role, function).
- Added: Readonly mode for the Builder, blocking undesired changes to applications. Readonly mode can be disabled in the applications admin panel, if changes are actually desired.
- Reworked the file management backend, enabling things like versioning and hard file links.
- Reworked the admin log interface, consolidating names and adding color codes.
- Reworked many Builder interfaces, making entity actions more consistent with other UIs.
- Made Builder actions inputs more consistent with other UIs and added entity titles were they were missing before.
- Implemented a better full screen block overlay for running requests.
- Data previews in Builder UI now ellipse large strings to readable lengths with full values available as title.
- Expert filters are now shown in smaller list fields if enough space is available.
- Moved websocket logs to their own context, freeing up general server logs.
- More default inputs in backend functions to make them easier to use.
- Warning if wrong key is used in application export.
- Warning that IMAP connector assumes exclusive use of the chosen mailbox.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.19.1
- Upgraded to vue 3.2.39
- Upgraded to vue-router 4.1.15
- Fixed: Large list fields scroll the entire page instead of just their content.
- Fixed: CTRL-Q would not switch language in application help input.
- Fixed: Page titles missing in some admin interfaces.
- Fixed: CSV export using bad format for time-only values.
- Fixed: Empty input fields are hard to focus (clickable area too small).
- Fixed: ICS summaries including unusable file attribute values.
- Fixed: Upgrades from versions < 3.0 create log errors as cluster node IDs are unknown.
- Fixed: PWA does not renew its cache if it was running while the server was updated.
- Fixed: Calendar without 'form open' action causes errors when clicking on 'today' when the current day is already shown.
Released: 2022-07-26
- Fixed Safari mobile browser not being able to use date/time inputs.
- Fixed warning message 'invalid input for date/time inputs' when using the mobile interface (any browser).
Released: 2022-07-20
- Added support for frontend server clustering.
- Multiple server nodes can now serve the same REI3 instance.
- Nodes with access to the shared database automatically register themselves.
- Nodes can be managed via the new cluster admin panel.
- Nodes automically choose a cluster master for critical cluster tasks.
- Events affecting specific users are replicated through the cluster, updating all sessions regardless of which nodes a client is connected to.
- Clients can see the connected node on the login and user setting pages.
- Added role types to help instance administrators quickly discern what a role is used for.
- Added function to toggle all roles for a login by role type.
- Added the ability for collections to be shown in the main application header and on menu entries. This enables things like notifications.
- Added instance backend function for updating collections, enabling event-triggered updates, which are also replicated through the cluster. This can update things like notifications based on changes by other users.
- Added instance frontend function for overwriting data field captions.
- Added instance frontend function for reading collection values.
- Added instance frontend functions to store and retrieve values between forms, within the current user session.
- Added instance frontend functions for creating timers, enabling delayed and recurring function calls.
- Added user option to color the main menu according to the primary application color.
- Added user options for choosing the global font-family as well as background patterns.
- Major redesign of many frontend components.
- Buttons now feel more responsive, also improving feedback for color-blind users.
- Field inputs are now more contrasted against forms.
- Many UI separation elements (borders, header-lines, etc.) were removed to reduce clutter and show more whitespace.
- Reworked pop-up forms.
- Enabled access to data logs and application help pages in pop-up forms.
- Implemented a full screen option for pop-up forms.
- When a new form is opened from within a pop-up form, it will now always open a new, nested pop-up form regardless of configuration, conserving the current form inputs and navigation. This addresses issues, in which full page navigation from within a pop-up form can confuse users, especially from within data forms.
- New shortcuts inside the Builder UI to quickly switch between forms and their frontend functions.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.18.3
- Upgraded to vue 3.2.36
- Upgraded to Postgres 13.7 (stand-alone deployment)
- Fixed save action still active after changes to login roles were reverted in the admin panel.
- Fixed NEW/OLD prefix stuck when switching between PG functions.
- Fixed field references missing as filter criteria in sub queries.
- Fixed home page content being cut-off on very small screens.
- Fixed form opened event not firing on sub join record retrievals.
REI3 v2.7.2
Released: 2022-05-31
- Added PDF creation function. PDFs with multiple pages, images, headers, footers and so on, can now be generated with a function call from HTML templates, with styling done by CSS rules.
- Switched to using field references in form state / query filter conditions when comparing field values/changes.
- Disabled pull-down-to-refresh function to reduce the number of accidental page refreshes on mobile devices.
- Fixed admins cannot login if a collection is misconfigured and cannot be retrieved.
REI3 v2.7.1
Released: 2022-05-17
- Reworked button inputs to give more feedback when pressed.
- Updated core company bundle, it now includes the password safe and IT asset management applications.
- Fixed issue with form state conditions when imported from applications before REI3 v2.7.
REI3 v2.7
Released: 2022-05-11
- Added end-to-end encryption.
- Automatic/transparent encryption/decryption of data on the frontend for the currently logged in user.
- Integrated key management for hybrid encryption without users needing to deal with key pairs.
- Integrated key recovery options via backup codes to recover access.
- Functions for application authors to encrypt data for others based on indirect relationships (like team or group members).
- Functions for application authors to decrypt data for processing on the frontend, enabling things like fulltext search within encrypted data.
- Added frontend presentation of relation policies - forms now react to the current record permissions to block inputs or disable form actions automatically based on applied policies.
- Added 'password' display option to columns, allowing password values to be masked.
- Added copy-to-clipboard action to columns and fields, allowing direct copy actions from list views or data inputs.
- Added form option for disabling data actions - this enables forms that use record data without manipulating the record itself.
- Added multi-value input to collection filters.
- Added frontend functions:
- Block/unblock user inputs on form.
- Show custom messages on form.
- Update collections directly - useful for reloading data, when certain events occur.
- Added option for connecting to LDAP via SSL/TLS.
- Added scheduler for regular reload of renewed HTTP server certificate.
- Filter operators are now presented within type-related option groups in the Builder UI.
- Enabled ordering within aggregation functions in sub queries.
- Moved existing expression aggregator function 'array' to ARRAY_AGG, added new 'json' function to offer the old functionality.
- Reworked form state conditions, allowing for more input options and making them more flexible in general.
- Implemented 'data retrieval' indicator in lists for long running requests.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.18.1
- Upgraded to tinymce-vue 5.0.0
- Upgraded to vue 3.2.33
- Upgraded to vue-router 4.0.14
- Fixed trigger functions being duplicated when renamed.
- Fixed CTRL+S hotkey not behaving correctly when used in richtext input.
- Fixed sub queries not applying defined result limit.
- Fixed tab inputs not being saved in PG/JS function bodies.
- Fixed websocket error handling not always parsing error codes.
- Fixed readonly relationship input field showing record create action.
- Fixed field value function being called twice when updating an empty relationship input.
- Fixed default field value being overwritten by current input if n:m relationship input was used and a new record was being created.
- Fixed schema cache being written to while being accessed concurrently.
- Fixed arrow-key hotkeys not always working in relationship inputs.
REI3 v2.6
Released: 2022-02-07
- Added frontend functions: JavaScript functions can now be executed on the frontend. This allows for complex form/input manipulation. Frontend functions are powerful, having access to the current form, many system actions and functions to communicate with the backend. They can currently be triggered by:
- Button fields.
- Field value changes.
- Form events.
- Added collections: A new tool that lets application authors retrieve records without any form or input. For now, collections are retrieved once during page-load; collections and their retrieval events will be expanded in the future to support more use-cases. Currently they can be used as:
- Query filter criteria. Collection values can serve to replace repeated or expensive filters.
- Additional list filters. Collections can serve as another option for users to select sub results by.
- Default values for data fields. Collections can provide default values for things like the assigned contact or teams based on memberships of the currently logged in user.
- Added pop-up forms: Records can now be edited in floating sub forms without leaving or interrupting inputs on the parent form. This can be useful for updating smaller child records or checking data from related records.
- Added new display option for text fields: Password.
- Added new form state condition: Field value equal to current user login ID.
- Added option to use primary key of relation as column.
- Added record count to the relation data view.
- Added open-in-new-tab middle-click function to Builder shortcuts.
- Added filters for relation index and attribute relationship type for template fields in Builder.
- Improved incoming mail handling: Inline images (CIDs) are converted to base64 image source, which can be displayed and edited as richtext.
- Made mail receiver error handling more robust. Now invalid messages will not block other mails from being fetched.
- Updated form state condition 'field changed': Implemented check for unchanged field values as well.
- Arguments and return values of existing PG functions can now be updated.
- Builder UIs now provide more error messages.
- New fullscreen option for form states.
- Switched to pop-up form for icon input window in Builder.
- Switched to pop-up form for login forms in admin interface.
- Delete action on form is now disabled if effective access permissions on the base relation are insufficient.
- Updated admin & Builder docs.
- Upgraded to Golang 1.17.6
- Upgraded to vue 3.2.26
- Upgraded to vue-router 4.0.12
- Upgraded to tinymce-vue 4.0.5
- Upgraded to echarts 5.2.2
- Fixed database transaction not closing properly when incoming mail could not be processed.
- Fixed 1:1 relationship inputs retrieving wrong values if accessed on form as referenced relationship.
- Fixed n:m input fields not being offered if both relationship attributes point to the same relation.
- Fixed array operator in query filters not always using correct syntax.
- Fixed backend functions not quoting identifiers.
- Fixed main executable not reacting to SIGTERM when running in portable mode.
- Fixed Gantt using timeshift only for end date when entering time range via click on header item.
REI3 v2.5.1
Released: 2021-11-26
- Reworked field layouts for relationship inputs; they can now be height-limited by parent container if row layout is used.
- Enabled roles from parent applications to be used in relation filter policies.
- Implemented automatic header menu resize if entries cannot be shown in full due to limited window size.
- Implemented record event messages in form header, such as 'Record was updated'.
- Implemented confirmation dialogs in cases where unsaved changes are about to be lost.
- Moved column sub query inputs to the sidebar of the Builder. This provides more space for inputing query options as well as better visibility into the parent field query.
- Implemented JSON prettifier on 'options' object for chart field in the Builder.
- Fixed Gantt field not respecting 'do not create' action on base relation.
- Fixed dialog window looking terrible during close event when showing richtext.
- Fixed filter policies not working correctly with left joins, removing valid records if their relationship partner is NULL.
- Fixed rare issue where data fields would update after a form reset occurred.
- Fixed data set issue, where relationship attribute input, which is also used as relationship join on the same form, would cause attribute to exist twice for record creation.
- Fixed ICS handler not handling sub queries in query filters correctly.
- Fixed ICS handler not handling sub queries in query expressions.
REI3 v2.5
Released: 2021-11-08
- Added relation filter policies. Access can now be filtered according to role memberships when displaying, changing or deleting specific records.
- Added circular application dependencies. Applications can now cross-reference each other. This requires all referenced applications to always be imported though, so we suggest moderation.
- Added role-dependent start forms. Users can now be sent to a different start form depending on role membership.
- Added preset record ID as filter criteria. Instead of using preset names as workaround we can now directly use the record ID of a preset to filter with.
- Added parent-record assignment to calendar fields (incl. Gantt) when creating a new record.
- Added fixed result limit to queries. This allows for queries like 'top 5 results of X'. It can also be used in list fields to force a result limit.
- The Builder mode is now toggled from inside the admin UI. The configuration file option is ignored.
- The REI3 executable now embeds static web files, bundle archives and language captions. This removes the need to update multiple directories when updating REI3 and also removes possible update issues.
- Implemented automatic deletion of all application dependencies when deleting an application from within the admin UI. List of affected applications and warnings will be shown.
- More field options are now stored in browser cache, like the last selected filter choice (lists, calendars) or zoom factor and group label display (Gantt only).
- Improved form record handling: If access to record is lost during save (due to form/relation filter), form will switch to readonly mode; changed values are shown, but record cannot be changed.
- Implemented 'no access' message if form cannot load record due to filter.
- Reworked Gantt fields. Element count (days or hours) now follows available field width. Horizontal scrolling is now only required if hours are displayed and a full day does not fit inside the field.
- Implemented 'hide group labels' option in Gantt fields to leave more space for displaying data.
- Implemented middle click navigation for button and calendar fields.
- Enabled SQL previews for calendar & chart fields in the Builder.
- The chosen list default limit is now added to the limit selection input on list fields.
- Upgraded to vue 3.2.21.
- Upgraded to Go 17.3.
- Fixed system hanging when executing an invalid query against the database.
- Fixed websocket connections not cleanly being closed when logging of.
- Fixed instance logging function using the same timestamp when used multiple times in the same transaction.
- Fixed 'record is new' filter not working on form level if existing record is opened on a fresh form.
REI3 v2.4.3
Released: 2021-10-06
- Implemented update check on first start in case important security updates are available.
- Fixed conversion issue for numeric database type.
- Fixed invalid display of form state condition after deletion.
REI3 v2.4.2
Released: 2021-10-04
- Added shortcut to the start page of the running REI3 instance to the start menu on Windows systems.
- Added new command line option: Start with dynamic port.
- Added context filter to log viewer in admin panel.
- Added README to the application directory & Windows installer.
- Implemented welcome message when starting the main REI3 executable without parameters.
- Implemented warning message on login page when HTTP connection is used.
- Updated portable version start script: It will now open on a dynamic port and run in HTTP mode by default. This enables easy access to the portable version (no HTTPS issues) while making it harder to misuse it in production environments (changing port).
- Updated default chart field options: Disabled the source header option, which can cause confusion when working with query results.
- Removed outdated command line option: Set port.
- Fixed chart columns being deleted during transfer when updating chart fields.
- Fixed multiple instances of REI3 blocking each other when the embedded DB is used. Now only one instance may own the embedded DB.
REI3 v2.4.1
Released: 2021-09-20
- Last database connection error message is now returned when connection timeout is reached.
- Fixed some special characters in database connection password causing issues on initial connection.
- Fixed lingering database connections blocking schema cache load in some cases.
- Fixed file input field not correctly applying minimum file count constraint.
- Fixed change logs of file input values not correctly displaying.
- Fixed repository update not handling release files correctly.
REI3 v2.4
Released: 2021-09-19
- Added new data presentation field: charts.
- Added 'update all applications' action to admin UI.
- Added dependency graph to the Builder start page.
- Added relationship graph to the relation view.
- Added instance options for database timeouts for all data access types (HTTP/WS, REST, CSV, ICS).
- Added instance functions: get_role_ids(), has_role() & has_role_any(). These allow easy role checks in functions, including the option to resolve inherited memberships.
- Added field option to show/hide the Gantt interval toggle in calendar fields.
- Improved column batch handling in lists: Batched columns can now be hidden individually - max. batch column size now follows combined size of visible columns.
- Improved admin LDAP UI labels/help texts.
- Improved admin login UI: Added save/close actions to login roles.
- Improved Builder form states UI: New states are now placed at the top of the list to improve usability in large sets.
- Implemented arrow key based navigation in relationship input fields.
- Implemented file-based application schema cache, which is stored in service worker and has no fixed size limit.
- Implemented context-based cancelation of websocket requests when a client disconnects.
- Implemented multi-file application imports - this can help resolve upgrade issues in complex dependency scenarios.
- Removed unnecessary frontend reload events after configuration changes.
- Removed unnecessary list reloads after bulk deletions.
- Removed global 'app' reference for access to root vue instance.
- Migrated from lib/pq to pgx for accessing the database; lib/pq is not maintained anymore.
- Updated admin & Builder docs.
- Upgraded to vue 3.2.11.
- Upgraded to Go 17.1.
- Fixed form states showing wrong inputs in last entry when saving new states.
- Fixed browser navigation stuck after deleting record in form.
- Fixed non-fullpage calendar fields updating route getters.
- Fixed relationship input shows empty dropdown action header.
- Fixed public login getter not cleanly removed from URL.
- Fixed access cache being renewed with outdated permissions after role assignment via LDAP.
- Fixed logins not being updated from LDAP import if they have no relevant group memberships and auto role assignment is active.
- Fixed roles being assignable manually to LDAP logins with auto role assignment.
- Fixed HTML anchors not working in internal docs.
REI3 v2.3
Released: 2021-08-09
- Added login forms: Admins can now create/assign records to logins from within the admin UI. Application authors can define forms for login record handling.
- Added mail body richtext display in mail spooler UI.
- Added function to update existing icons in Builder UI.
- Added 'first steps' help window with quick access to application help pages.
- Added platform update notifications for admin users.
- Enabled middle-click navigation on more actions (open/reload records, list rows, Gantt/calendar entries).
- Fullpage lists can now recover their previous scroll position when navigating back via browser history.
- Enabled offset selector to admin logs.
- Placed more icons and more descriptive titles to pop-up windows in various Builder / admin UIs.
- Exposed IDs for many entities in the Builder for troubleshooting and to use with instance functions, as in mail_send().
- Increased size of SQL-previews in the Builder UI.
- Updated boolean input field - it now has a separate presentation when the input value is NULL.
- Updated error messages returned to users.
- Updated layout, icons and captions in the admin login UI.
- Updated release packaging, combining web script and style files to reduce load times. Build numbers in output file names will now deny cache attempts after a platform upgrade.
- Upgraded Go to 1.16.6.
- Fixed CC header not being parsed from incoming emails.
- Fixed header color not always updating when navigating backwards through browser history.
- Fixed open dropdowns from input fields not closing when opening other input field dropdowns.
- Fixed 'field value changed' condition bool input not shown in form states.
- Fixed script error when entering field to field comparison conditions in form states.
- Fixed repository UI showing wrong totals in some filter contexts.
- Fixed admin login UI not updating visible records when using the reload action.
- Fixed styling bugs in Builder UI in compact mode.
REI3 v2.2
Released: 2021-07-18
- Added first integrated application bundle 'Core Company'. New instances can install this bundle directly without internet connection.
- Added form state field condition 'Field value was changed'.
- Added translatable function titles and descriptions. These are now visible in the admin scheduler UI as well as in context help in the function Builder UI.
- Added function schedule interval type: 'once'. This enables one-time migration functions for application upgrades.
- Added instance function 'abort_show_message()' - this enables backend functions to abort an operation while sending a message back to the user.
- Added instance functions 'log_info()', 'log_warning()' & 'log_error()' - enabling application logging from backend functions. Logging level for applications can be defined globally in the admin UI.
- Added user setting: Dark mode.
- Added user setting: Compact mode.
- Added user setting: UI spacing.
- Added customizable company logo URL.
- Updated 'new instance wizard', guiding new admins through available application installation options.
- Redesigned platform theme handling to allow for depth-based fonts/backgrounds/shadows.
- Average column aggregation now defaults to numeric value with two digits after the comma.
- Updated mail_send() instance function - it now allows sending without TO recipients (CC/BCC only mails).
- When presets are deleted only records connected to protected presets are deleted automatically. This follows the idea that protected records are controlled by application authors (for the application to work), while non-protected records serve as sample data that end users can delete or keep using.
- Removed impractical actions from richtext menu bar in mobile view.
- Function schedules now keep their last execution date after an application import, instead of being reset and repeated.
- Upgraded vue libraries (vue, vuex, vue-router, vue-draggable, vue-tinymce, vue-color), REI3 now runs on vue3.
- Upgraded TinyMCE to 5.8.2.
- Fixed PG functions not raising an error on save when entities from non-dependent modules are used.
- Fixed form copy not working for forms with sub query filters on the form query itself.
- Fixed richtext input not updating its interactive elements when field state changes (still showing menu bar when set to readonly and the other way around).
- Fixed tab navigation triggering undesired dropdown activation for relationship inputs.
- Fixed Builder error when deleting field for which query editor was still open.
REI3 v2.1.1
Released: 2021-06-09
- Added 'field is hidden by default' indicator to form Builder.
- Updated default value input for boolean attribute fields to accept upper-case 'TRUE' as well.
- Updated Builder UI to recognize trigger functions that use upper-case 'TRIGGER' as return value.
- Updated form navigation to replace invalid records (NULL) with a request to open a form with a new record.
- Fixed missing generic caption reference in Builder UI.
- Fixed IMAP mail retrieval failing for some charsets.
- Fixed invalid inputs (>24h) in time input fields.
- Fixed edge case in Builder UI when assigning a parent module wouldn´t update module parent state - full schema reload is now executed.
REI3 v2.1
Released: 2021-05-30
- Added automatic renewal option to list fields. Can be overwritten by users on a per-field basis.
- Added rich value presentation to calendar & Gantt events - all display options are supported (datetime, files, gallery, URL, color, ...).
- Added 'richtext' display option for columns, showing richtext values with stripped HTML tags.
- Added 'text length' and 'text wrap' options for columns, allowing fine control over how text values are displayed.
- Added field states to non-data fields. This allows fields like containers or lists to be hidden by default.
- Added 'optional' field state, which can overwrite readonly / required states. Useful in combination with relation triggers, overwriting values that are required but can be provided by backend functions.
- Added schema cache reload events to update concurrent admin logins, enabling parallel work sessions in the Builder.
- Added filter reorder actions in Builder UIs, allowing moving of filter conditions.
- Redesigned application transfer mechanics
- Changes made to applications that were imported into an instance (from file or repo) are now ignored by default when executing an application export. The original, imported version is used instead.
- A new option 'changeable' was added to the admin UI for applications. This option allows the instance to apply changes to applications when doing exports in the Builder.
- Applications from other authors are now being protected from unplanned changes by default (see above). As this was the reason for the export option 'full export yes/no', it was removed. All application exports now always contain all dependencies.
- Removed the automatic version counter increase from the application export. If an application is changeable and the current version has changed, it requires a manual version counter increase before an export is permitted. This makes it more transparent and gives more control when multiple dependencies have changes.
- Replaced permanent export key storage in database with temporary memory storage.
- Updated form states UI
- Form states are now ordered by description text, making states easier to read and allowing for control of execution order.
- Added filter for field references, showing only states connected to a specific field.
- Column (batch) width now also controls table cell values in list views.
- 'Hide on mobile' option now also applies to columns in calendar & Gantt fields.
- Enabled relationship input fields to be hidden without form states.
- Better frontend performance for list views.
- Improved color picker UI in Builder start page.
- Improved schema cache reload behavior, reducing reloading times in some cases significantly.
- Expanded instance.mail object, providing 'from' addresses when fetching mails from the spooler.
- Fixed 'open email/URL' action being visible in list views even if no value was set.
- Fixed slider data field input not shrinking properly.
- Fixed hidden field being shown in change log entries. Even with all fields being hidden, a change log entry is still visible to mark the occurrence of a change.
- Fixed list auto select being executed on non-new records.
REI3 v2.0.3
Released: 2021-05-16
- Fixed layout bug in admin UI.
- Fixed form query filters not being correctly handled for sub join updates.
- Fixed category input field of relationship attribute being clickable in readonly state.
- Fixed issue during import blocking application upgrade (index deleted before relationship attribute with auto FK index).
- Removed outdated compatibility fixes for applications before REI3 v1.5.
REI3 v2.0.2
Released: 2021-05-04
- Made 'Selectable filters' more flexible. They are now renamed to 'Filter sets' and also available in Gantt and in relationship input fields.
- Extended placeholders for field input default values (formatted date values), see Builder documentation.
- Hide filter set selection if only 1 filter set is available (nothing to select).
- Implemented proper user error message when attempting to delete a protected record.
- Changed to in-line column wrapping for relationship field values, improving readability when screen space is limited.
- Login name is now shown in user settings UI on logout button.
- Improved form navigation by replacing more history entries (case: child record created with parent relationship attribute).
- Improved form navigation by setting full page field arguments (lists, calendars, Gantt) on first form load.
- Made default input field styles (mostly admin/Builder UIs) more in line with form input field styles.
- Fixed calendar not loading if placed as sub-field.
- Fixed calendar navigation not showing initial state when going backwards through the browser history.
- Fixed Gantt field options in Builder UI not setting defaults correctly.
- Fixed relationship field icons not showing when gallery images are used but not available for all records.
- Fixed form getter not overwriting previous default attribute values.
- Fixed form copy not replacing filter set IDs, causing duplicate primary keys.
- Fixed wrong child application being opened from the main header when clicking on a parent entry without start form.
REI3 v2.0.1
Released: 2021-04-23
- Enabled handling of join flags for relationship input fields. Even when a target form is defined, the 'create new record' action is now only available when the CREATE flag is set, while opening an existing record requires the UPDATE flag on the base relation.
- Improved application selector in Builder UIs to show nesting.
- Fixed form state definitions not being correctly applied in some cases.
- Fixed missing second slash after protocol part of ICS download URL.
- Fixed bad-input indicator taking up space even if not shown.
- Fixed text emails being sent as HTML, causing new lines to be ignored.
REI3 v2.0
Released: 2021-04-19
- Added Gantt presentation option for calendar fields.
- Added mail retrieval from IMAP mailboxes.
- Added mail spooler view for admins.
- Added mail attachment handling for in- & outgoing messages.
- Added mail account management for using different accounts.
- Added phone & email display options for field inputs and list columns.
- Added preview to functions to show code body as it would be executed.
- Added formalized instance functions, accessible inside application functions, such as get_login_id() or mail_send().
- Added new permission UI for admins to manage all role memberships for an application in a single view.
- Added new relation triggers variants (CONSTRAINT, DEFERRABLE, INITIALLY DEFERRED).
- Added placeholders for field input default values (currently for time inputs only).
- Enabled date range selection for ICS calendars on a per-field basis.
- Enabled page navigation for full page calendar fields.
- Improved image preview in lists; images will follow column size by default, while falling back to defaults in batch context.
- Placed bad-input indicator that scrolls to bad inputs on the form.
- Redesigned Builder UIs to avoid erroneous actions.
- Redesigned Builder UI for functions: Separate scrolling, collapsable application placeholders, hiding of non-valid entities.
- Redesigned Builder UI for form states: Collapsable states, filter by state description, consolidated presentation.
- Upgraded to Go 1.16 and switched to Go module.
- Fixed query lookups not being shown in Builder when CSV import is enabled.
- Fixed calendar column sub queries not reacting to changed filter criteria from parent form.
- Fixed SMTP could only send with STARTTLS.
- Fixed function loosing schedule definition when making changes to function body.
- Fixed login input field not updating when form is refreshed.
- Fixed invalid SQL syntax when attempting to insert an empty record.
- Fixed partial form reload not being triggered for new records when attribute values are set with form getter.
- Fixed form not updating after backend triggers caused value changes when form record was saved.
REI3 v1.9
Released: 2021-03-22
- Added iCAL subscription option for calendar fields.
- Added iCAL configuration options for limiting the provided time range of events.
- Added regex validation option to data fields, allowing validity checks for things like e-mail addresses and URLs.
- Added query filter criteria 'Form record is new', reacting to state of currently handled record.
- Added query filter criteria 'Login has role', reacting to assigned (or inherited) role memberships.
- Added query filter criteria 'JavaScript expression', reacting to return value of defined JavaScript expression.
- Improved Builder UI to better display filter criteria behavior.
- Placed Builder documentation directly in Builder UI as overlay.
- Consolidated admin panel documentation UI with new Builder UI.
- Auto-conversion of German decimal commas for numeric values.
- Updated js service worker - next release, clients should not need browser cache clear.
- Updated to TinyMCE 5.7.1
- Filter encapsulating not always working correctly.
- Query filter with field value criteria causes SQL error when NULL operator is used and field value is NULL.
- Richtext editor does not open links.
- Builder UI, apply form record to attribute value is not shown for button fields unless saved and re-opened.
- Builder UI, when relation index was removed, affected columns do not stay deleted after form save.
REI3 v1.8
Released: 2021-03-05
- Added function schedules, allowing for reoccuring executions of application functions.
- Added 'create new record' shortcuts to relationship inputs.
- Added aggregation function to filter sub queries.
- Added default icons for attributes - these are used for data fields if not overwritten.
- Consolidated the 'tasks' section of the admin UI with the new function scheduler.
- Action 'run now' added for system task and application schedules.
- Improved application upload feedback in the admin UI.
- Remove option added for the custom company logo in the admin UI.
- Full page lists now also apply limit changes to the navigation history.
- Enabled order by attributes which are not included as columns.
- Enabled sort by sub query column in lists.
- Redesigned query filters, allowing all comparison types on both sides (sub queries, field values, system variables, etc.).
- Added multi line view to generic overlay dialog, useful for SQL previews and public key display.
- Improved some builder UIs (mostly filter inputs, menu management).
- Updated integrated database to PostgreSQL 13.2
- Full page list navigation not being properly added to navigation history.
- Filter arguments in column sub queries causing SQL argument count errors in edge cases when calculating row count.
- Sub query results showing badly formatted values with attribute type 'numeric'.
- List choice filters not updating when field value references are updated.
- Not all default field states being respected when using form state overwrites.
REI3 v1.7.1
Released: 2021-02-08
- Added a data view to relations in builder UI - these show the raw data from within the database. Helpful for understanding relations and finding issues.
- Improved form navigation - forms now keep references to previous forms, unnecessary navigation targets were removed as well.
- Improved presentation of data logs and help pages on mobile devices.
- Redesigned form actions slightly to improve usability on mobile devices.
- Redesigned start page, reducing the heavy reliance on primary module colors.
- Redesigned relation UI in builder to better manage associated entities (attributes, triggers, presets, etc.).
- Placed input blockers in admin and builder UIs when running heavy background tasks.
- Fixed automatic login being executed directly after a logout.
REI3 v1.7
Released: 2021-01-26
- Added query choices to enable user selectable sub filters on lists and calendars.
- Added form query filters, which enables n:1 joins on form records.
- Added persistent menu behavior between user sessions (open menus stay open).
- Added HTTP testing mode as CLI flag. Also added 'run with HTTP' script to portable package.
- Enabled auto-reconnect to backend when server was down or connection was severed because of power-saving features on mobile devices.
- Consolidated automatic foreign key indexing with manual indexes. They are now visible in the builder and can also be used for CSV lookups (if 1:1 relationships).
- Consolidated client side storage to central store for better control.
- Redesigned some input fields and layouts.
- Improved handling of user filters, automatically adding an empty line on open and removing lines on closing of the filter interface.
- Improved presentation for printing forms from the browser (automatically hiding menus and headers).
- Improved builder UIs.
- Added translation switch hotkey (CTRL-q) to builder.
- Added save hotkey (CTRL-s) to data forms.
- Fixed missing sequence reference on primary key when changing primary key type.
- Fixed file attributes not showing download links in data logs.
- Fixed field filters not working properly in data logs.
- Fixed gallery views for file inputs not being displayed correctly in Chromium browsers.
REI3 v1.6
Released: 2021-01-07
- Added form state effects for non-data fields for more flexibility when designing forms.
- Added URL presentation option for text input fields.
- Added option for list fields to apply current form record as attribute value when opening a new form.
- Added 'hidden' as default presentation option for data fields for easier form state handling.
- Enabled sorting by column batch with file attribute in first position - first non-file attribute is used for sorting instead.
- Switched to case-insensitive usernames for the internal authentication backend for better compatibility with directory services.
- Sped up application cache reloads significantly when updating a single application from inside the builder UI.
- Improved builder UI navigation and input elements.
- Improved some field UIs (file input, textarea).
- Fixed wrongly assigned filter operators.
- Fixed list fields not always encapsulating multiple filter criteria correctly.
- Fixed n:m attribute candidates for data fields not being shown in form builder.
- Fixed calendar values not being parsed by opened form when doing date selection.
- Fixed unusable bulk selection option being visible when bulk selection is not available in list field ('cards' layout).
- Fixed main header stuck on module color outside of module context.
- Fixed minimum field height not being large enough for some field types.
- Fixed file input field not opening files inside blank browser tabs.
- Fixed malformed error message when user permissions are insufficient.
- Fixed date input overlay not being placed in the correct position in admin logs UI.
- Fixed CSV importer attempting to update relationship attribute values for joined relations flagged as 'no update'.
REI3 v1.5.1
Released: 2020-12-22
- Fixed compatibility issue with importing older modules in 1.5 instances.
- Fixed SQL for data retrieval total row count being invalid if grouping is used.
REI3 v1.5
Released: 2020-12-16
- Added sub queries as list columns and filter conditions - enabling more complex data retrieval. While nesting sub queries is supported, ordering by sub query result is not yet available.
- Added specific ANY operators to list and query filters in builder.
- Added filtering by system tupel ID.
- Redesigned form UI in builder - all field options are now visible within their context menus, not just as shortcuts. Query definition was moved to the side bar where there is more space, especially for complex filter criteria.
- Improved SQL query cache, speeding up data retrieval requests.
- Added header navigation entry for the parent module if it is accessible to the user.
- Fixed header entry wrongly being shown to users without permissions in some edge cases.
- Fixed ugly file names when downloading files (Firefox only).
- Fixed some relationship field inputs not updating when sub join was updated to NULL value.
REI3 v1.4
Released: 2020-11-24
- Added 'does not contain' operators to list, query and form filter conditions with case sensitive and insensitive versions.
- Slightly redesigned menus in mobile layout for more visual consistency.
- Tweaked filter inputs to automatically hide invalid operators.
- Cleaned up URL navigation syntax.
- Fixed integer input fields wrongly overwriting inputs starting with negative character prefixes (as in -12).
- Fixed wrong deferral settings on specific schema relations, causing issues during larger application upgrades.
- Fixed invalid hover effects on read only lists in card layout.
REI3 v1.3
Released: 2020-11-17
- Added presets as default values for relationship input fields.
- Added names to presets for easier reference within builder UI.
- Added date inputs for user list filters.
- Fixed data logs not showing values for partly set field values (relevant for date ranges).
- Fixed record ID not being applied to fields when using the 'form-open' action on a button field.
- Fixed form states being removed when updating default preset record.
- Fixed issue stopping pg indexes from being created.
- Fixed non-registered sub components from form state component.
- Reduced number of shown fields on data log - only fields are shown, which relate to records that can be created or updated on the current form.
REI3 v1.2.1
Released: 2020-11-07
- Fixed data log not updating in all cases.
- Fixed mobile date inputs not displaying correctly.
- Fixed error messages not showing correctly on all clients.
- Fixed PWA not allowing screen rotation.
- Fixed PWA icon masks.
REI3 v1.2
Released: 2020-11-05
- Added gallery view for file inputs in lists and on forms.
- Added new list layout 'cards'.
- Added the option to define a fixed width for list columns.
- Added more feedback when loading from a slow server.
- Enabled REI3 to be installed as a progressive web app. This does not yet enable offline work but does allow for handling REI3 like a native app on mobile devices and on PC (if supported by the browser).
- Added a SQL preview function in builder for troubleshooting data requests.
REI3 v1.1.2
Released: 2020-10-23
First public release of the REI3 application platform.